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De Rui

Astrology changed the life of De Rui, for whom professional success as defined by parents, teachers, peers, colleagues and bosses had once meant everything. For more than 15 years her identity was deeply intertwined with a high-pressure, high-paying career, until crisis struck and her days filled with purpose and fulfillment began to feel like self-imposed enslavement. These were the manifestations of her Moon-Saturn inconjunction. After several years of inner work, she made the decision to live an authentic life and hasn’t looked back since. De Rui has studied the teachings of evolutionary astrologist Jeffrey Wolf Green for the past six years, working with New Paradigm Astrology's Tom Lescher and Tim Halloran. She is a graduate of Harvard University and has helped countless souls and couples orient their lives to achieve maximum alignment with the Universe.


The Stars & Us: Radical self-knowledge through astrology


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